HYUNDAI Dealership

LOCATION: Surrey, B.C.
YEAR: 2006
VALUE: $4.0 million

This automobile sales / service operation is located on King George Highway, just north
of White Rock, BC. The building concept was provided to The COLBORNE
ARCHITECTURAL GROUP Pacific by Hyundai Canada, to be adjusted to suit local planning
and building bylaws. The site was very challenging due to restricted size and poor subsoil.
The elongated, two-storey building with sales showroom to the front and service
bays to the rear is located along the north property line with vehicle access, circulation
and display parking to the south. The building is clad in Hyundai’s corporate-standard
neutral glass/metal curtain wall system and split-face concrete block. Lot lighting and project signage are carefully controlled by planning guidelines as were all aspects of the
building design and operations prior to corporate approvals being granted.